Current conditions at Wildhorse Reservoir. Photo taken 1/5/25
Photo Credit: Megan Cornejo

by Nevada Department of Wildlife

At this time NDOW does NOT recommend ice fishing on any waters in Elko, Eureka and White Pine Counties. Due to above average temperatures, ice growth has not been as consistent as previous years and is not measuring up to recommended standards at this time. All locations have unsafe ice and areas of open water. This includes the most popular ice fishing spots such as Wildhorse Reservoir, South Fork Reservoir, Jakes Creek (Boies) Reservoir, Illipah Reservoir and Comins Lake. We will update the fishing report on our website as conditions change.
General guidelines for new, clear ice:
• Less than 4 inches: stay off!
• Greater than 4 inches – suitable for walking or fishing
• Greater than 8 inches – suitable for ATVs and snow machines
If ice conditions improve this year, we suggest that you carry appropriate safety gear at all times (ex. ice claws, rope, crampons, extra clothing, etc.) Remember, thin spots are not always easy to see and ice conditions can change in the blink of an eye.