No "Bigs" in the Upper Owens yet, but that will change when the migration from Crowley begins

Owens River - CA

by Tom Loe

The clarity and conditions have improved recently since the flow increase to near 200 cfs and fishing has got much better. No bigs showing yet but expect this to change before long as the fall migration from Crowley will begin soon.

Hoppers are thick along the high grass this season and are a good choice for afternoons. Use a San Juan Worm as an upper fly and a midge, pheasant tail, or olive caddis larva bead head nymph as your dropper # 16-20 in the deeper pools. Streamers can also be a kick this time of year, work the deep sides near the under cuts and tailouts of the deeper runs for a shot at a big brown.

The section from the Benton Bridge downstream to the monument will close to ALL fishing after September 30th. You may fish from the monument down to Crowley until November 15th with special regulations, and fish year around upstream from the Benton Bridge with special restrictions as well.